If you are looking to buy masks in Nepal at wholesale price for resale to your family or colleagues, then you are in the right place. We have genuine, quality original mask that consists of two or more layers of flat or pleated fabric with the maximum tolerance of viruses and diseases than any other mask. Surgical masks can also protect you when others around you are sick. You should always wear the mask with the pleated side facing out. So you can always wear a original or genuine mask rather than cloth or poor quality masks. Buy Quality masks online in Nepal from Pasalnepal at a wholesale rate. In the present scenario, when there is a pandemic, you are being reminded by every source of the importance of wearing surgical masks. Surgical masks are not only for your safety but also for the well-being of the fellow humans you interact with. As it has now come to be known, they create a barrier between the contaminant and your nasal as well as oral pathways.